Category: Media
Kitty Time at the Cinema
Ever watch the movie Winged Migration? I discovered it a couple of cats ago, and it’s never failed to mesmerize them. The filmmakers raised a flock of geese from the time they were eggs, and trained them to be unafraid of the ultralight aircraft they eventually used to film them in flight. It’s genuinely an…
the amazing live lola cam
My apologies – the Lola Cam is not operational for the time being … I’ve got to find a new host. Sorry! I’ve managed to get a live IP camera running that will let you watch Lola in the living room – most likely, snoozing in her favorite chair. (If you don’t see her, she might…
just listen to my kitty
Lola purrs like a freight train. I’m an audio guy, so it’s my pleasure to be able to share her mellifluous vocalizations with you. Speakers on!
you say falana, I say falafel
It’s occurred to me that some of our younger visitors may have missed the pun made by giving Lola (the kitty) her second name … Falafel. Let’s give credit where credit is due – Lola Falafel is named in honor of Lola Falana, famed actress/singer/dancer often referred to as “the queen of Las Vegas.” She became…